eMom Recipe Wiki | Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

  • Leftover chicken or a few broiled chicken breasts or barbequed chicken from the store, cut into little pieces
  • Mashed potatoes or rolled biscuits
  • Optional: onions, carrots, frozen peas

Simmer chicken with optional ingredients in a white sauce. See “white sauce.” You might have to do 1 ½ times the recipe for white sauce, depending how much chicken you have ie. add 1 ½ c. milk etc. Put mashed potatoes or biscuit dough on top. If using potatoes, put a little butter on top & bake at 350°. If using dough, bake at 450° for 12-15 min, or until biscuits are done.

See also leftover turkey in puffed pastry.


2 Responses to Chicken Pot Pie
Leanna says:

I like to add some cumin seeds, but then I always like to add cumin to things.

2010-04-05 17:44:28 -0700
Leanna says:

Go nuts with mushrooms, eggplant, zuchini, carrots, onions, peas. They cook down a lot.

2010-04-06 09:42:44 -0700