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Dec 20, 2008 at 02:44PM vs Dec 20, 2008 at 05:37PM
Cheddar Cheese Bread
Cheddar Cheese Bread - 1 lb. cheddar cheese, extra sharp, grated - 2 pks. dry yeast - 1 tbl. sugar - 1/2 tsp. salt - 6-8 cups white flour Melt yeast in 3/4 cup warm water with 1 tbl. sugar. Grate cheese in large mixing bowl. . Add salt and 2 cups HOT tap water. Stir. Add the yeast mixture and stir. Gradually mix in flour; when dough feels firm, dip out onto counter and continue to knead in more flour until dough feels soft and silky, but not too sticky. Return dough to bowl and cover with a dishtowel, in a warm place, to rise until doubled (40-60 mins). Then beat down the dough again, shape into 3 medium or 2 large loaves, place in greased pans, cover and let rise until nicely rounded. Preheat oven to 350, remove towel and bake until golden brown (40-50 mins). Immediately remove from pans and set on airing racks. (Especially delicious toasted!)